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Rising pesticide poisoning in Chhattisgarh’s rice bowl

Raipur | Correspondent: The use of toxic pesticide on Chhattisgarh’s crops is on a continuous rise, with farmers using chemicals reportedly four times more than the neighboring states.

The increasing trend is raising significant health concerns.

In contrast, states like Madhya Pradesh have reduced the use of chemical pesticides. Whereas, Chhattisgarh seems to steadily increase its usage.

The excessive usage of these toxic chemicals is eventually affecting health of numerous sufferings from severe diseases and increasing concern among people.

Experts blame widespread food adulteration for this alarming trend.

Despite the heavy reliance on chemical pesticides, Chhattisgarh has not seen a corresponding increase in crop production. The state’s agricultural production remains unremarkable, highlighting the unnecessary and harmful overuse of these chemicals.

Chemical pesticide use surge annually

Data from the Union Agriculture Ministry reveals a continuous increase in chemical pesticide usage in Chhattisgarh.

In 2021-22, the state used 1,740 metric tonnes of chemical pesticides, which rose to 1,775 metric tonnes the following year. The usage further increased to 1,781 metric tonnes in 2023-24.

In contrast, neighboring Madhya Pradesh has seen a decline in pesticide usage. The state used 654 metric tonnes of chemical pesticides in 2021-22, which decreased to 598 metric tonnes in 2022-23 and remained relatively stable at 599 metric tonnes in 2023-24.

Odisha also showed a fluctuating yet decreasing trend. The state used 1,239.93 metric tonnes in 2021-22, which increased slightly to 1,347.55 metric tonnes in 2022-23, before dropping significantly to 1,143.88 metric tonnes in 2023-24.

Similarly, Maharashtra has seen a substantial decrease in pesticide usage over the same period, with usage dropping from 13,175 metric tonnes to 8,718 metric tonnes as of today.

Larger Cultivation Areas Use Fewer Pesticides than Chhattisgarh

In several states across the country, the area under cultivation is significantly larger than in Chhattisgarh. However, these states use far fewer chemical pesticides compared to Chhattisgarh.

Bihar is one such state with larger cultivation areas but lower pesticide use.

Additionally, Sikkim stands out as a state that practices entirely organic farming, using no chemical pesticides at all.

States with lower pesticide use than Chhattisgarh

State 2023-24 | Metric Ton
Chhattisgarh 1781
Bihar 995
Jharkhand 455
Himachal 277.32
Goa 34.81
Kerala 528.92
Madhya Pradesh 599
Orissa 1143.88
Uttrakhand 78.73
Arunachal Pradesh 2.55
Manipur 21.69
Mizoram 93.77
Nagaland 26.17
Delhi 21
Jammu & Kashmir 433.20

The post Rising pesticide poisoning in Chhattisgarh’s rice bowl appeared first on सेंट्रल गोंडवाना ख़बर, ख़बर दुनिया भर.